
What have I been up to? And what is a now page?


Lately I'm playing guitar (poorly), catching up on anime, and playing games. I try to exercise daily as well to try to balance the fantastic vegan baked goods that my husband makes. Since I've made the switch to working from home full time and we're looking to move within the next couple years I'm planning some projects around the house for when it's time to sell.


As of 8/30 I have started a new position with Nacelle! After almost four and a half years with 160over90 I was ready for a break from agency work.

I'm part of a brand new team with Nacelle and I'll be doing front end work using NuxtJS.

Previous 160over90 launches

As part of the 160over90 digital team I launched over a dozen marketing and event websites, but these are the projects launched in my last year there. While with this team I was able to experience many different technologies to be flexible for client needs.

  • - My last project with 160over90, full site build to replace an initial landing page for new publishing brand. August 2021.
  • site rebuild - Complete site redesign and rebuild. June 2021.
  • Obsidian landing page build - First site for new brand. Directed the home page scroll animation (Greensock). June 2021.
  • Yale for Humanity campaign site - Front end build for new Yale campaign. Most complicated animations so far in my career (made with GSAP), see home page, About the Campaign page, and Why Yale? page. May 2021.
  • site build - WordPress website with Twig + Vue front end, ACF Pro to build out site content, and multi-lingual support through WPML. January 2021. (Included in Women's Health 2021 Fit Tech Award Winners!)
  • landing page build - Lead developer, Vue front end, features GSAP animations. November 2020.
  • site build - Worked closely with our art director on the first public-facing website for this financial firm. October 2020
  • site build - A redesign and rebuild of (a site I built in 2018) to reflect a new partnership and branding. October 2020.

I recently updated my blog to be able to sort posts by tag! To see some older work and case studies check out the work tag.

My Favorite Things

These are some things that have brought joy recently:

  • An early birthday present from my husband: a gently used ESP LTD EC-401. This guitar is perfectly my style and so comfortable to play, I love it and it gets me practicing more than ever.
  • I have a big collection of mechanical keyboards but my daily driver at home has been my Ergodox EZ. I'm counting down until I get to outfit it with a set of dark Magical Girl keycaps.
  • I am absolutely loving Notion for taking notes and managing personal projects. My notes are all private by default but can easily be made public and shared to collaborators via a link.